
AirSensor mobile application is designed to provide the population of the town of Alaverdi (Armenia) with real-time information about the quality of the air often polluted with emissions from a local copper-smelting plant. AirSensor gets real-time data about the concentration of dangerous polluter SO2 in the air from independently-run sensors. The application sends a warning notification to its users when the pollution level exceeds the allowable concentration and starts endangering people’s health.

Thanks to AirSensor, people of Alaverdi will have time and chance to take protective measures and minimize hazard to their health, and will obtain independent ecological data to require actions from local authorities.

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Country Armenia
Areas of application Environmental activismPublic health
Type of solution Mobile application
Technologies applied Sensors
Status Idea
ICT Tools Design Budget* EUR 8,000 – 10,000

*The budget is provisional and should be discussed with each team individually.


AirSensor application is prototyped by a team of civil activists and technical experts from Armenia and Georgia, within Hackathon in Kyiv:
Silva Ayvazyan, civil society activist from Armenia and architect of the idea
Tigran Azatyan, mobile full-stack from Armenia, coding
Tengo K. Gualli, graphic designer from Georgia, design & visualizing the idea

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